10 Toxic Office Behaviors to Avoid at All Costs
If there is one thing which can ruin a team and drop the performance, it is the toxic work environment.
Marketers in the Flow
We do not resist. We do not drown in chaos. We do not cling to rigid, outdated structures.
Impostor Syndrome Is No Joke. It can wreck careers and businesses. But how do you know if you have impostor syndrome or if you’re just not good enough? Here’s my story…
Maybe you hate meetings (same here). Or maybe you love them (strange person) There are “great” meetings and “time-wasting” meetings. But in reality, only five types of meetings are truly necessary—and even those can sometimes be avoided.
We do not resist. We do not drown in chaos. We do not cling to rigid, outdated structures.
Impostor Syndrome Is No Joke. It can wreck careers and businesses. But how do you know if you have impostor syndrome or if you’re just not good enough? Here’s my story…
You are writing all the time. To persuade, to inspire, to report, to teach. Make it powerful and impactful using copywriting frameworks.
The funny thing about life: Everything we want is comfort and yet this is the only thing which we never really get.
What Is A Brand? My Observations Suggest That Your Personal Brand Is That Thing, Your Thing, That Sets You Apart From The Competitive Crowd In The Eyes Of Your Audience. I Read In A Book That Your Brand Is The Word You’ve Reserved In People’s Heads. Even If
Get in the Flow. Leave the boring stuff to machines.
Criticism can turn your entire life and career around. In a negative way. If you don’t handle it in a healthy way.
You are writing all the time. To persuade, to inspire, to report, to teach. Make it powerful and impactful using copywriting frameworks.
The funny thing about life: Everything we want is comfort and yet this is the only thing which we never really get.
How often do we let ourselves get swept up in anger, forgetting that, more often than not, it only leaves us with the mess? We’re punishing ourselves for what someone else has done. The cost? A lot more than the issue at hand – it can be our health, our
As marketers we have only two choices on the workplace: 1/ Burn out; 2/ Burn in. Which one do you prefer? There is no use of a burned out, depressed and demotivated marketer. Such a person cannot create anything meaningful and turns into an office clerk, pulling reports and launching
We all know how important is the integrity in life and business. Sometimes, though, it is not very clear how to achieve it. Simple solution: You need a reference framework.
We all know what a leader should look like. Now, let’s spice the things up with some negativity. See what leaders should not do or be.
Do you want to manage your marketing department with all its moving parts? Build it on these 14 must-have pillars.
If you have a business, you are selling something. Whether it's groceries, SPA services, or advertising space, you are looking for customers who will give you their money in exchange for the products/services you offer. It’s a basic truth that the most important thing for you
Workers on the corporate front have been tirelessly fighting for the "home office" for years. In large and modern companies, this has become a common practice. In more "conservative" ones, the mentality still prevails that "if you're not within arm's reach
I remember one of my meetings with an influencer. The lady had called saying she wanted to talk, I agreed, and I was expecting her at the office. She arrived half an hour late but brought her manager with her. Let’s call her Natalie. We sat down to talk.
To build a quality email list (database) that yields good results, one of the most important things is the source from which we secure our subscribers and the way we do it. A fundamental requirement (both from a business and legal standpoint) is that people themselves must want (give us