Leader’s DON’Ts List

We all know what a leader should look like. Now, let’s spice the things up with some negativity. See what leaders should not do or be.

Leader’s DON’Ts List

We all know what a leader should look like. Now, let’s spice the things up with some negativity. See what leaders should not do or be.

Being a leader is tough. Leaders aren’t appointed, they aren’t elected. Leaders inspire. They have power, but it’s not guaranteed. Becoming one of them is a challenging task, but they are the ones who change the world.

Here are some insights on what the leaders should not do or be, which I hope will inspire you, even a little, to take the thorny path of leading yourself and others and making the world a better place.

01: Don’t apologize

No one cares what you’ve messed up. Accept the consequences and act with what you have, in the circumstances you find yourself in.

02: Don’t explain yourself

People don’t want to hear your excuses for why you can’t do something. Find a way and do it.

03: Don’t show emotions

You’re the leader. You control your emotions, they don’t control you.

04: Don’t smile unnecessarily

People don’t like to follow jokers and weaklings.

05: Don’t show weakness

The weak don’t lead, they only follow.

06: Don’t show hesitation

People need to be sure that you know what you’re doing.

07: Don’t show insecurity

You’re at the front. Stand firm, look brave, and don’t let your eyes or hands tremble.

08: Don’t show indecisiveness

Make decisions quickly and change them rarely. Not the other way around.

09: Don’t be verbose

Produce diamonds with your words, not junk.

10: Don’t speak fast

How will they follow you if they can’t keep up?

11: Don’t speak unclearly

How will they follow you if they can’t understand you?

12: Don’t slouch

Straighten your back. A bent back is for cowards and weaklings.

13: Don’t lower your head

To no one and nothing.

14: Don’t wander with your eyes

Look straight at the target.

15: Don’t avoid others’ gaze

Your gaze reveals your soul and intentions. If you hide it, you show them that you’re lying, hiding something, or scared. These aren’t things a leader does.

16: Don’t rush

People rush when they’re chasing something or being chased. You move towards your goal, while people and circumstances chase you or run from you. Let them rush.

17: Don’t show nervousness

It’s a sign of lack of self-control. How will you lead others if you can’t even control yourself?

18: Don’t show fear

Be afraid. Secretly.

19: Don’t dither

Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

It is a not easy to be a leader. Don’t you think?